The Deep Blue Sea is a British drama film directed by Terence Davies and starring Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston and Simon Russell Beale. It is an adaptation of the 1952 Terence Rattigan play The Deep Blue Sea about the wife of a Judge who engages in an affair with a former RAF pilot. This film version is funded by the UK Film Council and Film4, produced by Sean O'Connor and Kate Ogborn. Filming began in late 2010 and it was released in the UK in 2011, the year of Terence Rattigan's centenary. It was released in the United States in 2012 by distributor Music Box Films.
The Deep Blue Sea (2011)
98 min - Drama | Romance - 25 November 2011 (Ireland)
The wife of a British Judge is caught in a self-destructive love affair with a Royal Air Force pilot.
Director: Terence Davies
Writers: Terence Davies (screenplay), Terence Rattigan (play)
Stars: Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston and Simon Russell Beale
The wife of a British Judge is caught in a self-destructive love affair with a Royal Air Force pilot.
Director: Terence Davies
Writers: Terence Davies (screenplay), Terence Rattigan (play)
Stars: Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston and Simon Russell Beale
Set 'around 1950', The Deep Blue Sea tells the story of Hester Collyer, the younger wife of High Court judge Sir William Collyer, who has embarked on a passionate affair with Freddie Page, a handsome young former RAF pilot troubled by his memories of the war; that the mix of fear and excitement once in his life is missing.
The majority of the film takes place during one day in Hester's flat, a day on which she has decided to commit suicide. Her attempt fails and as she recovers, the story of her affair and her married life is played out in a mosaic of short and sporadic flashbacks. We soon discover the constraints of Hester's comfortable marriage, which is affectionate but without sexual passion.
As Hester's affair is discovered she leaves her life of comparative luxury and moves into a small dingy London flat with Freddie. Hester's new lover has awakened her sexuality, but the reckless, thrill-seeking Freddie can never give her the love and stability that her husband gave. Yet to return to a life without passion would be unbearable. The film takes its title from her dilemma of being between the Devil and the deep blue sea.[4]
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