Jack Reacher (previously titled One Shot) is an upcoming film adaptation of the 2005 novel One Shot by Lee Child. Written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie, the film stars Tom Cruise as the title character. The film entered production in October 2011, and concluded in January 2012. It was filmed entirely on location in Pittsburgh Pa. Jack Reacher is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2012.
Christopher McQuarrie
Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay), Lee Child (novel)
Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike and Robert Duvall
Christopher McQuarrie
Christopher McQuarrie (screenplay), Lee Child (novel)
Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike and Robert Duvall
A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper who shot five random victims. Based on a book in Lee Child's crime series.
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