Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (film)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is an upcoming comedy film directed by David Bowers from a screenplay by Wallace Wolodarsky and Maya Forbes. It stars Zachary Gordon and Steve Zahn. It is the third film in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series and is based on the third and fourth books in the series, The Last Straw and Dog Days.[2] The film is set to be released on August 3, 2012. It is also Bowers' second live-action film.[watch online movies diary of a wimpy kid : dog days]
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is an upcoming comedy film directed by David Bowers from a screenplay by Wallace Wolodarsky and Maya Forbes. It stars Zachary Gordon and Steve Zahn. It is the third film in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series and is based on the third and fourth books in the series, The Last Straw and Dog Days.[2] The film is set to be released on August 3, 2012. It is also Bowers' second live-action film.[watch online movies diary of a wimpy kid : dog days]
Director: David Bowers
Writers: Gabe Sachs (screenplay), Maya Forbes
Stars: Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron and Devon Bostick
Writers: Gabe Sachs (screenplay), Maya Forbes
Stars: Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron and Devon Bostick
Rated PG for some rude humor
School is out and Greg is ready for the days of summer, when all his plans go wrong. What on earth is he going to do all summer?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012)
Now that school is over, Greg Heffley is ready for a relaxing summer. However, all of his plans for the summer go away. Left option-less, his plans are ruined. What is he going to do all summer? Not only that, but now he must survive a boring summer with his family.[free download]
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